Monday, March 5, 2012

Abba's Faithfulness

Hey guys I just wanted to give you an update on what Abba's been doing in my life the past couple weeks. As you know, I am raising support to go to Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding, California. It has been a very trying and energy draining task; not the letting people know what I'm doing, but the trusting the God is indeed faithful and is really going to come through for me. It was about two months ago, I was really struggling with believe that Abba is my friend and was going to stay true to his word because I had raised next to dirt for tuition. I began to tell him, "God, I'm freakin out right now. I don't know if you're going to come through or if I'm just being stupid. Abba I need you to should up." It was a week or two later that God started to move.

I was hanging out with a older friend of mine, a mentor, and we were just chillin and talking about life and he says on a side note, "Dennis, about your support, my wife and I don't normally commit to something like this, but we were praying about it and God told us to commit to giving you $100 a month for a year..." I about lost it! This was just that start of what Abba already had planned. Soon after this I was hanging out in my room on facebook and doin other things when my mother comes in and starts talking to me. After rambling on about something she changes subjects and says, "Dennis, I can't give you much but I can give you $2,000 dollars for Bethel." Lol, talk about God being faithful...on top of that, my Grandma from Germany has been putting a little money in the bank for my brothers and I since we were born and as I turned 18 yesterday, I was going to recieve that money. Now, when my older brother, Patrick, received his 2 years ago he got about $1,200 so I thought I was gonna get between like $500 and $1,000. Well, turns out God had something different in mind: come to find out my Grandma sent me almost $1,500 dollars! AND...on top of that, I have a very good friend who her and her husband had called me up a few nights before and told me they were sending me $100 now and $25 a month for a year!

So, so far Abba has provided about $3,441 for me to go to Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry...tuition is $4,200 or if I pay in full before Sep 4 it's $3,990...that mean's I have about $869 left to raise for tuition... :) praise Abba!! God is faithful guys, he loves you more then you guys move his heart, have you ever thought about that? God is MOVED by you...his heart flutters when he sees you...he's so in love!
Anyway I'll save that topic for another day ;)

Hey, if you wanna help, please let me know, send me a email at, thank you guys soo much for being apart of God's story, you guys are the best and I'll try to keep you guys updated!

God Bless and Shalom my friends!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Start of an Amazing Adventure

I am so thankful that you have been in my life and God has placed you somewhere on my path. I wish you could know how much you’ve impacted me. Whether you know it or not, you have been so instrumental in my life. This does not end with me but also effects my generation and generations to come. Thank you!

My generation is saturated in money, sex, and drugs in an unprecedented level. WE NEED HELP! I believe that God has the solution and that we’re on the brink of the greatest revival the world has ever seen. God is on the move and He wants to use me to impact and change my generation; to reveal the true God to the generations to come; that is why I want to go to Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM). Bethel is committed to the truth that God loves people, gave Himself for them and has given His Church supernatural power to bring individuals and nations into wholeness. The school emphasizes that believers need to return to the ministry of signs and wonders—to minister in love, truth and the power of God. I will be trained to continue in the ministry style of Jesus: to enjoy the presence of God, say what He is saying, and do what He is doing.

Bethel emphasizes hands on training and experience along with academic understanding. This creates a do-and-teach culture where I would be expected to take risks to stretch my faith and grow in my understanding of God. The school is designed to equip me to live a supernatural lifestyle, not just minister in the gifts of the Spirit. Bethel encourages students to be naturally supernatural by bringing heaven to earth wherever they go. At BSSM I will learn how to read, understand, and “do” the Bible - how to cast out demons, witness, heal the sick, prophesy, preach, pray, practice His presence and much more. BSSM has a specific focus in the development of the revivalist, assimilating the core values of the God’s Kingdom into the heart of the Believer and establishing God’s Royal identity in the mind of each student.

As you know it costs money to be equipped to change the world. So to get to the point: I need your support! I ask you to prayerfully consider supporting me. There are a few ways you can help and support me:

I need your prayer support. Pray that God would open doors for me, that He would give me clarity, vision, and understanding, and that He would continually pour out His mercy and grace upon me and my life. Please pray that God will continue to guide me and prepare me as a powerful weapon against our adversary for such a time as this.

Because of their small size, BSSM does not offer scholarships so I will be working part-time during the year. My first year will cost $20,000 including tuition, an out-of-country mission’s trip, and living expenses for one year at BSSM, as well as travel and moving expenses. Just like any other missionary I need to raise money with your support and the power of the Holy Spirit. Any financial gift is much needed and a big blessing. If you feel led to support me financially, monthly gifts or one time gifts would help enormously. Please feel free to tell friends and family of yours that I could use their help too! BSSM requires funds to be already established or be on their payment plan so I am looking to raise at least $5,000 by March 31st.

As I bring this letter...well now a blog post... to a close, I would like to thank you for how much you care about me. So here I am, a child brought through fires, brought through trials, brought through battle upon battle. Here I stand, victorious because I had you by my side fighting for me and I ask that you would please do it again.

Sincerely and with much love,
Dennis Luberus

If you have any questions about Bethel, any details or issues, or to set up a time to meet with me or drop off a check or cash, please feel free to contact me at 757-240-8747(cell) or email me at If you have prayed about supporting me financially, please make your checks out to Dennis Luberus and please leave the memo line blank on your check. Please send this to my address (top of page) or call to drop off the money or have coffee. I will be following up with each of you just to talk. Thank you and God bless.

Bethel Supernatural School of Ministry Finance Facts

  • 1st Year
    • Total Cost for year: $20,000
    • Application Fee: $35
    • Acceptance Fee (non-refundable and applies to tuition): $300
    • Tuition: $4,000
    • Included:
      • 1-2 closed-circuit television conferences a year, textbooks and costs of city outreaches
    • Payment Plan (1st Year)
      • Due September 10, 2012: $2,000
      • Due October 9,2012: $1,000
      • Due November 13, 2012: $1,000
    • Payment Plan (2nd Year):
      • Due September 4, 2012: $2,000
      • Due October 2, 2012: $1,000
      • Due November 6, 2012: $1,000
    • Missions Trip: $4,000
    • Living Expenses: $11,500
      • Rent:
        • Apartments: $4,800
          • $200 - $400 p/m
        • Simon Housing option:
          • 21 meals a week: $5,040
            • $630 p/m + $126
          • 15 meals a week: $4,800
            • $660 p/m + $120
      • Living Costs: $6,000
        • $300 - $500 p/m
Financial Support Calendar
  • $1,000 by December 31, 2011
  • $2,000 by January 31, 2012
  • $4,000 by February 29, 2012
  • $5,000 by March 31, 2012 *TOP PRIORITY*
    • (Application and registration: Present – September 1, 2012)
  • $7,000 by June 30, 2012
  • $12,000 by October 31, 2012
  • $17,000 by December 31, 2012
  • $19,000 by January 31, 2013
  • $20,000 by March 31, 2013 

*Note*: The dates after March 31st (or $5,000) are more flexible than the rest and can be pushed back; will assess when needed. Also, I will be working during school year to help balance support for living expenses.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Beginning of a Journey

When you close my eyes where do you go...

There's a dark forest and I'm on the edge of that forest, and at the edge of the forest is an ocean. It's the purest thing I've ever beheld; it has the most beautiful flowers on top and it's so peaceful. There is a place of beauty beyond...I know it...I can feel its presence...something calling me, beckoning me to let myself be overwhelmed by it. Yet I cannot move; I can only turn back to the darkness and run. Run from my from my with fear that I will never live in that place of beauty and purity. You call me honorable? I run back to the darkness, reminded that I an afraid I will never know the fullness of life; only the empty, despicable thing I had become...I cannot enter to the gates of beauty....and yet I long.

I'm unworthy to gaze upon the face of love....yet my heart longs. A broken heart, a broken spirit marred and forgotten....and yet I long. Not about me, all about you and the somehow beautiful story you've written....yet I long. Alone, shamed, humbled, weak....yet I long.

Show yourself to me, O merciful Savior. All I see is a broken creation. Show yourself to me, O powerful Lord. All I see is a weakened creation. Show yourself to me, O God. All I see is a battling soul...nothing. Show yourself to me, O God of joy. All I see is a broken soul longing. Show yourself to me, O Lord of hope. All I see is a broken home, a broken life, a broken soul....yet I long...